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  • Writer's pictureNaraayanie

OMG You have a Guru?! Why?

You have no idea how many people proudly tell me that they don't trust anyone. Like they want me to congratulate them or give them a pat on the head. I don't take it personally, they are totally free to have their beliefs. I'd never not trust anyone. You know why? Because I trust myself. I trust myself implicitly, and I can count on myself, so of course it's possible for me to trust someone else.

That's basically what you do when you have a Guru, in the original Spiritual sense. Depending on what you want a Guru for, you have to trust them to get you there.

Lots of us are suspicious of people claiming to be Gurus, and rightly so. Charlatans have always been around, and how many times has the news been filled with stories of religious people committing crimes, betraying the trust of those in their care, inciting people to violence and war, corruption and the like. The list is seemingly endless. But if we only focus on these things and wilfully refuse to look at the counter point then we are essentially denying ourselves the ability to perceive things clearly, with their true depth.

That is essentially what a Guru does for us. Allows us to see things that we could not see, because they have a perception far more enhanced than our own. That's what the Sanskrit word Guru means, Gu-Ru, the one who dispels the darkness, or our ignorance.

I have always considered my desire to have a Guru to be directly correlated to my thirst for knowledge and answers. I have a lot of questions, and I'm impatient. When I want to do something I want to do it properly, in the best possible way and as soon as reasonably possible. No living life by halves for me. It's like if I was going to embark on a fitness plan and was really serious about it and money wasn't an option, any sane person would have a personal trainer. They are essentially an expert. Say you found yourself the best personal trainer you could ever hope to meet, they've achieved exactly what you hope to achieve in a way you want to try, they represent your goals. You could try and read books on their lives and what they did, but do you really think that would compare to talking and interacting with them? No one in their right mind would pick that option.

We generally trust experts because we can relate to them and see what they've achieved as being achievable for ourselves. I guess this is where I and the others like me differ from the majority of people, especially in this part of the world, who seem to recoil at the thought of a Guru.

Is it arrogance on their part? I don't actually think so. In fact, for any seeker a questioning nature is a very good attribute to have, and it's natural to have concerns. But only when it comes from a genuine desire to learn. Boundaries are a big help, they allow us to know what it is we don't know, what we want to know and what is or isn't right for us. On the Spiritual quest I think boundaries only become an issue when they are put up out of a place of outright fear and insecurity, maybe because of previous conditioning. In this case they could become a block for the calling of consciousness, which I find naturally wants to expand.

Going back to conditioning, society is always throwing only the negative stories at us, because apparently that's all people pay attention to. Remember that good news newspaper they tried to launch - neither do I. I don't think I would have ever bothered reading it! If the news was the only truth London would be some kind of apocalyptic hellscape instead of one of the most beautiful and vibrant cities in the world. Beauty is always there for those who want to see it, it depends on what you want for yourself maybe.

guru lightbulb dispeller of darkness
The Guru is like a lightbulb, they help you perceive what you couldn't before

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