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The Eternal Sequence to Align With Life

Can a posture (asana) be more than a posture? How much of a difference can doing things in a particular sequence make? Just like a seed develops into a healthy plant with the right care and attention, the potential in you can grow too when you just create the right conditions. Discover the magic of doing certain postures with a certain awareness, in a certain order to cultivate the right atmosphere within you for life to truly blossom.

See what makes a posture a Classical Yoga posture. This is Yogasanas taught in its full depth and dimension.

Yogasanas - Aligning With Life: About Me

Choose Yogasanas For

-Freedom from addictions and compulsions
-Physical alignment
-Improved cellular regeneration
-Deepening of spiritual practices

This is goes beyond only physical exercise or enjoying a good stretch which do relax the physical body with knock on effects on the mind and emotions. Any physical activity can do that. This is much deeper.

With regular practice Isha Hatha Yoga Yogasanas allow you to experience various profound sensations via the body that truly take you deeper and deeper beyond them. 

Use it to go as far as you want, to live your life in a more vibrant and fruitful way, or really explore the enigmatic beauty of higher states of consciousness, in a safe and responsible way.

Yogasanas - Aligning With Life: About Me
Stretch Yoga Pose

Why is Yogasanas Different?

-Yogasanas is a way to transform, and really evolve.
-We called the ancient Sages masters because they mastered their own systems, went beyond all their limitations and reached their full potential. They also gained extraordinary abilities, including in what they perceived.
-Yogasanas is a holistic practice that was not invented, but observed by these Yogis who had the most refined perception of energy - which we now recognise is the basis of all creation and what we call physical matter.
-The Yogis saw how energy flowed in the body and the cosmos, and how certain poses aligned the human system with the cosmic environment in a beneficial way.
-The Yogasanas sequence came about in this way, as a means of others to also fulfil their latent potential. 
-It works powerfully and subtly, by directing energies in a proper way. Its vital that it is taught and practiced properly, the slightest tampering could result in a large deviation.
-These methods survived because they truly worked and cold be trusted, and were kept alive with the utmost care and purity - usually in secrecy to avoid any distortions that impact their efficacy.

Yogasanas is a complete path in itself, and allows the practitioner to go further and bloom on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and energetic. 

After saying he would not start a Yoga school for many years, Sadhguru has made them available out of his compassion for our needs. We are now able to transmit these practices and keep them alive in their purest and most potent form for those who would like to experience them.

Yogasanas - Aligning With Life: About Me

Suitability and Workshop Details


Age: 16 and above

Previous experience: Not necessary

Practice time: Around 40 mins

Physical Intensity: Low to Moderate 


Workshop Details

Sessions: 4

Hours per session: 2.5

Total hours: 10

Cost (excl. booking fees): £150 

Attendance for ALL sessions is mandatory, to receive the teaching responsibly, correctly and safely.

Yogasanas - Aligning With Life: About Me
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