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Downward Dog Pose

Surya Kriya

Spark the Sun Within

21-steps to activate your whole body, breathe vitality into your system and increase your physical strength and mental focus. Surya Kriya is a holistic and complete process in itself to get you in peak inner shape as well as on the outside. 

This ancient practice is a more powerful and precise predecessor to the more well known Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation which is much more based only in the physical body. Kriya means an ‘inner energy practice’, and this supremely effective aspect of energy work adds a totally different dimension to your hatha yoga repertoire.

Surya Kriya - Spark the Sun Within: About Me

Surya Kriya can give you:

-Relief from neck and backache
-Hormonal balance
-Reach ideal weight
-Prepare you for deeper meditative states

Surya Kriya is unique in that it is deeply meditative and energizingly dynamic. And because you can choose the number of cycles you want to do it’s the perfect way to start your day.

Surya Kriya - Spark the Sun Within: About
Meditation by the Sea

What sets Surya Kriya Apart?

-Surya Kriya is a holistic practice created with authentic yogic insight.
-It’s considered a ‘Kriya’ or inner energy practice which works effortlessly and efficiently and positively impacts the physical, mental and emotional bodies as well. 
-Activates the solar plexus to raise an energy known as ‘Samat Prana’ or solar energy within the body, leading to many health and mental benefits. 
-The practice aligns the practitioner with the energies of the sun, the source of all energy and life on earth.
-A perfect choice for those wanting a physical practice with a compelling spiritual dimension.

Originally Surya Kriya, although the first and foremost sun practice amongst yogis, was only made available to a dedicated few, while the simpler Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation adaptation was taught en-mass to and for the benefit of the general public. It’s only now that Surya Kriya is being revived and made available as a practice perfectly suited to today’s hectic lifestyles.

Surya Kriya - Spark the Sun Within: About

Suitability and Workshop Details


Age: 16 and above

Previous experience: Not necessary

Practice time: 7-21 minutes per cycle

Physical Intensity: Moderate


Workshop Details

Sessions: 3

Hours per session: 2.5

Total hours: 7.5

Cost (excl. booking fees): £125 

Attendance for ALL sessions is mandatory, to receive the teaching responsibly, correctly and safely.

Surya Kriya - Spark the Sun Within: About Me
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