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Yoga Mat

About Us

All Tradition, No Religion, Suitable For All

Satya means 'truth' in the language of Indian spirituality, and the oldest language in the world, Sanskrit. There is a saying in India that states that you can know what is true as it does not change. My intention is offering the truest form of Yoga I could find, coming from a live master, with no distortions, just as it has been transmitted for millennia.

These are simple practices, free of any religious connotations and dogma, that can be adapted to suit all abilities. Yoga has been considered a subjective science, and as such has to be experienced to be understood. We focus on fine tuning your practice through comprehensive workshops and follow up so that you can cultivate your own regular practice and discover the unique possibilities that can open up for you. The practices we offer are powerful, precise and subtle. They are profoundly transformational and subsequently come with certain conditions that must be followed for them to be effective and balanced (many of the practices need to be done on an empty stomach, for example). The human body is still a mystery to most of us, but these practices were given to humanity by those with an uncommon understanding of the human system. Be assured that what you put in you definitely get out from these processes, especially once you discover Classical Yoga as a subjective science.


To explore more on what Classical Yoga is and what it isn't, click on the Discover button below.


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About the Founder


India has always been a nation of seekers, and in turn, has always maintained a tradition of living masters. The tradition of Yoga has survived countless millennia and a thousand years of foreign invasion and occupation, largely because those that gained mastery over themselves and their dedicated students kept these time-tested practices alive through the ages. It's of the utmost importance to have a teacher of the highest calibre when learning yoga, one who has mastered themselves, as one cannot give what they do not have.
Sadhguru is one such master. An accomplished Yogi of the highest order, and having achieved a phenomenal level of self mastery, has already initiated millions of people all over the world into powerful, life-changing yoga and meditation practices. His unparalleled knowledge and experience of the human system has enabled him - just like the ancient Yogic masters we derive this system from - to perceive and present us with a system of Yoga that safely offers the very highest possibilities to us all, whether you want to improve your heath or increase your sense of wellbeing (or work towards enlightenment!).

About: About Me

A Little About Naraayanie

Facilitating Yoga With No Distortions

Here's a very brief summary, for more about me, my journey and my personal check out the Blog.

I spent almost 6 months at the Isha Hatha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, South India in 2018 to do the Isha Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course. I found Isha Hatha Yoga after developing an sudden obsession with finding what I considered to be 'real' Yoga, which came seemingly out of the blue in 2012. I decided I wanted to do the course in late 2013 but could only commit to it in 2017, when I developed some strong allergies which cleared up without a trace thanks to Isha Hatha Yoga practices. Now I just do my bit to offer these practices with no distortions and share the magic in the West, just like it has been done throughout the ages in India. It's the most worthwhile thing I can think to do, and I hope you can benefit from it too.

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